Visual der MediaTech Hub Conference 2023
27 Sep

MIZ @ MTH Con 2023

in den Studios Babelsberg

Wie sieht die Zukunft des Journalismus im KI-Zeitalter aus? Darüber diskutieren wir auf der diesjährigen MediaTech Hub Conference mit Digitalpionier Richard Gutjahr, Wissenschaftsjournalistin Eva Wolfangel und verschiedenen Expert:innen aus der Praxis.

Am 27. September 2023, dem ersten Konferenztag, eröffnen wir mit unserem Programm die Horizon Stage im der Filmstudios Babelsberg:

11:00-11:45 Uhr – Is there a Future of Journalism?

The future work of journalists and journalism itself is significantly influenced by technologies like artificial intelligence. After all, they shape the skills and knowledge required by media professionals and influence how they address their respective audiences. This transformation is groundbreaking and unstoppable. But journalists seem helpless in the face of their loss of relevance and the dwindling trust of the public. In this session, Richard Gutjahr, journalist and digital pioneer, and Eva Wolfangel, author and tech journalist, speak about the future of journalism.

12:00 – 12:45 Uhr – Dikussion: Journalists and AI

How can AI technology support journalism by linking the capabilities of tech and human abilities for better content creation and reach? How can technology enhance creativity rather than replace it, and how can we distinguish between validated journalistic content and AI generated fake news? Richard Gutjahr, Anna Lena Schiller (Head of Tech – Algorithm Watch), Sascha Devigne (ClipSense) and Holger Volland () discuss.


Über unseren Partner-Link bekommt ihr 25% Rabatt auf euer Ticket für die MediaTech Hub Conference 2023.

